Report on the implementation of judgements of the European Court of Human Rights in Poland
Although the HFHR acknowledges the efforts of the Polish Government to implement judgments of the ECtHR, it also recognizes that, according to the statistics of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the end of 2015 more than 300 cases were pending before the ECtHR.
A majority of these concerned structural, systemic problems. The HFHR believes it is relevant to stress problems concerning the implementation of judgments concerning art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly the conditions of detention, overcrowding in prisons, dangerous detention regime. The HFHR sees a limited progress in the implementation of the judgment concerning the secret rendition sites. Moreover, the HFHR would like to refer to the deficiencies in the implementation of cases relating to article 5 (length of pre-trial detention, lack of protection of persons with disabilities and juvenile detention), article 6 (length of proceedings, execution of contacts with children) and article 10 (criminal defamation and liability for lack of pre-publication review).
Date of publication: March 2017
